
Redefining in buildings and areas
The approach of this project is restructive

Unusual Perspective at Spark

Restructive. That’s our word for describing projects offering a new dimension and purpose to an area or a building. Like Spark in Utrecht.

Smakkelaarsveld, in the heart of Utrecht, was the place where crossings trams, buses, cars and bicycles. Now we will built a park with houses, offices and public areas, called Spark.

‘The design idea of Smakkelaarspark came about from the jount 'why’ from the locals, the municipality and market parties, You can therefore immediately see why it fits perfectly in this place. Maximum greenery and the smart positioning of the buildings makes it a restful place in the hectic Utrecht station area.

Heleen Wijtmans – strategic project manager Gemeente Utrecht


redefining in buildings and areas
the approach of this project is ~